Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. G.1.9

Human Resources

Initiated by: Ad Hoc Committee on Smoking
Approved by: Director/CEO
Date:May 30, 1992
Revision:#1, January 26, 2004
Distribution: Community

1.0 Policy Statement: () is committed to the promotion of health which includes prevention as well as investigation of disease. In addition, has a responsibility to provide and maintain a safe, clean environment in which to work. In accordance with these responsibilities, and the overwhelming evidence that smoking is a severe health hazard to both the smoker and non smokers; the will provide a smoke-free environment.

2.0 Scope All employees, staff investigators, visiting investigators, faculty, students, and visitors.

3.0 General Statement Smoking is prohibited in the interiors of all facilities, including housing, and all vehicles.

  • 3.1 Smoking is prohibited from all exterior doorways, as posted.

4.0 Responsibility

Responsible Person Action
Director of Human Resources Insures that the Smoke-free policy is disseminated to all employees.
All those with Managerial/ Supervisory responsibilities Insures that staff comply with the 's Smoke-free policy
Department Heads Resolves disputes arising under this policy
All employees and Informed Individuals Inform visitors, etc. of existing policy. Notifies a supervisor of non-compliance with policy.

5.0 Policy Clarification and Updates: Policy clarification and updates are available Human Resources office.