Whether youre in Woods Hole or halfway around the world, join us for this venerable 做厙輦⑹ event bringing our local and global communities together live from the newly named Cornelia Clapp Auditorium.

Suggestions for future Friday Evening Lecturers are welcome and may be sent to FEL@mbl.edu.

June 18 - The Biological Revolution in Mental Health Care and its Aftermath: Why It Happened, Why it Stalled, and What Might Happen Next

E.B. Wilson History and Philosophy of Science Lecture
Anne Harrington, Harvard University

see Harrington event info
June 25 - How I Have Scientific Fun: Discoveries, Mechanisms, Therapeutics, and Learning

Glassman Lecture
Timothy Springer, Harvard Medical School

see Springer event info
July 2 - Understanding Human Origins, From the Bottom of the Sea

Segal Lecture
Peter de Menocal, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

see de menocal event info
July 9 - A Liquid Paradigm for Biological Organization

Porter Lecture
Clifford Brangwynne, Princeton University; HHMI

see brangwynne event info
July 16 - The Future of Brain Disorder Treatment: Breakthrough Technologies and Ethics

Forbes Lecture
Guoping Feng, McGovern Institute

see feng event info
July 23 - "How Do You Feel: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Itch, Touch and Pain"

Diana Bautista, University of California, Berkeley

see bautista event info
July 30 - EpigeneticsNot GeneticsSpecifies Complex Behavior in Ant Societies

Shelley Berger, University of Pennsylvania

see berger event info
August 6 - Phage Therapy to Combat Infections by Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Paul Turner, Yale University

see turner event info
August 13 - Big, Diverse, and Standardized: The Use of NEON Data in Scientific Discovery

Paula Mabee, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), Battelle

see mabee event info