Engaging New Communities, Enhancing Research & Training

BID Workshop: July 8 – 13, 2024
Application Dates: February 1 – April 15,2024

Building on the long-standing convening power of , BID (Building Innovation through Diversity) is a new opportunity for postdoctoral fellows or early career faculty from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM, as well as faculty at Minority Serving Institutions.

The aim of BID is to extend the experience to new communities of scientists using engagement with ourAdvanced Research Training Courses(ARTC) as a launchpad. Over the course of five days participants will have an in-depth look at the ’s unparalleled resources, potential to foster new and exciting collaborations, and comprehensive overview of the ARTC faculty and opportunities within.

The 2024 BID workshop is focused on Developmental and Microbiology and is a fully funded 5-day program, engaging early career scientists in ARTC faculty opportunities at the in Woods Hole, MA.

Participants will:

Experience one or more of the advanced research training courses to see how students and faculty embrace “fearless science.” Courses featured include Embryology, Physiology, Microbial Diversity, and Biology of Parasitism.

Learnabout the Central Microscopy Facility where the ’s state of the art imaging and equipment and opportunities are housed.

Explorethe Marine Resources Center (MRC) to learn about non-model organisms that might be applied to your research question and take a trip on the collecting vessel, Gemma.

AttendaFriday Evening Lecture– part of ’s storied summer lecture series.

Discoverthe charm and excitement of Woods Hole where six unique institutions create a “village of scientists.”

For more information please contact:education@mbl.edu.