The Perfect Cytoskeletal Storm | NIH Director

, director of the National Institutes of Health, blogs about Whitman ScientistsԻ and their explorations of cellular dynamics using resources from the National Xenopus Resource at .

Ever thought about giving cell biology a whirl? If so, I suggest you sit down and take a look at this full-blown cytoskeletal “storm,” which provides a spectacular dynamic view of the choreography of life.

Still from a movie of mitosis by Abdullah Bashar Sami, Jesse Gatlin lab.
Still from a movie of mitosis by Abdullah Bashar Sami, Jesse Gatlin lab.

Before a cell divides, it undergoes a process called mitosis that copies its chromosomes and produces two identical nuclei. As part of this process, , which are structural proteins that help make up the cell’s cytoskeleton, reorganize the newly copied chromosomes into a dense, football-shaped spindle. The position of this mitotic spindle tells the cell where to divide, allowing each daughter cell to contain its own identical set of DNA.

To gain a more detailed view of microtubules in action, researchers designed an experimental system that utilizes an extract of cells from the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis).