Nikon Announces Judging Panel for the 50th Annual Nikon Small World Competition

Matchstick igniting by the friction surface of the box, 2nd place winner in the 2023 Nikon Small World Photomicroscopy Competition. Credit: Ole Bielfeldt

Nikon Instruments Inc. today announced the judging panel for the 2024 Nikon Small World photomicrography and Small World in Motion video competitions, to be held June 4-6 at the Marine Biological Lab () in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the competition, celebrating the profound impact it has had on showcasing the beauty and science within the microscopic world.

The 2024 judging panel features top-tier experts in the fields of science and media, who include: Adrian Coakley, Director of Photography at National Geographic Books; Michelle S. Itano, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology and Director of the Neuroscience Microscopy Core at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill; Emily Petersen, Photography Managing Editor at Science magazine; Clare Waterman, Ph.D., Cell Biologist and Member of the National Academy of Sciences; Jennifer C. Waters, Ph.D., Director of the Core for Imaging Technology & Education at Harvard Medical School, and a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Imaging Scientist; and Samantha Yammine, Ph.D., Neuroscientist and Science Communicator.

"In its 50-year journey, the Nikon Small World competition has not only captured the beauty of the unseen microscopic world but has also created a gallery of micro imagery that illustrates the evolution of microscopy technologies, techniques, and research," said Eric Flem, Senior Manager, Communications and CRM at Nikon Instruments. "Through the eyes of its acclaimed judging panel, each year's gallery is a testament to the power of creativity in scientific imaging. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to hosting these captivating images and videos that hold the power to inspire and educate for another 50 years and beyond."

Over the past five decades, the Nikon Small World competition has unveiled the intricate details captured through the light microscope, earning its reputation as the leading forum in photomicrography. As in previous years, the competition will honor the top 20 photography and top 5 video winners, in addition to awarding Honorable Mentions and Images of Distinction.

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, this year's grand prize has been increased to $5,000. Submissions will be evaluated on originality, informational content, technical proficiency, and visual impact.

Source: Nikon Announces Judging Panel for the 50th Annual Nikon Small World Competition | PR Newswire