New Publications: June 2024

WHOI Library. Credit: Archives

Every month, research from scientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In June 2024, seven new studies were published. -affiliated authors are in bold.

Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here.

June 2024

Brock, M. T., Morrison, H. G., Maignien, L., & Weinig, C. (2024). Impacts of sample handling and storage conditions on archiving physiologically active soil microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Letters.

Casiano Rivera, C. V., Wallace, J. N., Fisher, G. E., & Morgan, J. R. (2024). Acute introduction of phosphoserine-129 α-synuclein induces severe swelling of mitochondria at lamprey synapses. microPublication Biology.

Frangieh, C. J., Wilkinson, M. E., Strebinger, D., Strecker, J., Walsh, M. L., Faure, G., Yushenova, I. A., Macrae, R. K., Arkhipova, I. R., & Zhang, F. (2024). Internal initiation of reverse transcription in a Penelope-like retrotransposon. Mobile DNA.

Hanlon, R. T. (2024). Octopus cyanea, day octopus. In R. Rosa, I. G. Gleadall, G. J. Pierce, & R. Villanueva (Eds.), Octopus Biology and Ecology. Academic Press.

Pelagalli, C., Sera, D.-J., DeGiorgis, J. A., & Cornely, K. (2024). Mycobacteriophage maravista: A cluster F1 phage discovered on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Microbiology Resource Announcements.

Rosa, R., Santos, C. P., Borges, F., Amodio, P., Amor, M., Bower, J. R., Caldwell, R. L., Di Cosmo, A., Court, M., Fiorito, G., Gestal, C., González, Á. F., Guerra, Á., Hanlon, R. T., Hofmeister, J. K. K., Ibáñez, C. M., Ikeda, Y., Imperadore, P., Kommritz, J. G., Kuba, M., Hall, K. C., Lajbner, Z., Leite, T. S., Lopes, V. M., Markaida, U., Moltschaniwskyj, N. A., Nabhitabhata, J., Ortiz, N., Otjacques, E., Pizzulli, F., Ponte, G., Polese, G., Raffini, F., Rosas, C., Roura, A., Sampaio, E., Segawa, S., Simakov, O., Sobrino, I., Storero, L. P., Voight, J. R., Williams, B. L., Zheng, X., Pierce, G. J., Villanueva, R., & Gleadall, I. G. (2024). Chapter 23—Past, present, and future trends in octopus research. In R. Rosa, I. G. Gleadall, G. J. Pierce, & R. Villanueva (Eds.), Octopus Biology and Ecology. Academic Press.

Trouche, B., Schrieke, H., Duron, O., Eren, A. M., & Reveillaud, J. (2024). Wolbachia populations across organs of individual Culex pipiens: Highly conserved intra-individual core pangenome with inter-individual polymorphisms. ISME Communications.

Are you an scientist with a paper that came out this month, which was not included on this list? We apologize for the oversight. Please email