's 2022 Highlights

A Breakthrough prize, students on campus, and the new .edu website—2022 has been a busy one for . Dive into some of the most exciting stories you may have missed!

Big News on Campus

A stylized image of a nematode worm (C. elegans) adult encircled by embryos. Credit: Yicong Wu
A stylized image of a nematode worm (C. elegans) adult encircled by embryos. Credit: Yicong Wu

A Strong Year in Research

A Breakthrough Prize and a Lasker Award; media spotlights on research; and a bounty of papers issuing from the Advanced Research Training Courses are among last year’s highlights.

Read More about this year in Research

and UChicago Develop Joint Graduate PhD Program

The newly established joint program between and the University of Chicago leverages the unique partnership between the two leading research institutions and combines the best of both worlds

Learn more about the Joint PhD Program

Excitement in Education

A scene from the 2022 AQLM course, which kicked off the  summer season.
A scene from the 2022 AQLM course, which kicked off the summer season. Credit: Axiom Optics

A Successful Summer Season

This summer, the welcomed 464 students for 20 different courses covering everything from computational neuroscience to embryology to reproductive biology to microbial diversity. Students hailed from 284 different institutions around the world. The offered one brand new course this year—Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Hazards and Opportunities (ECHO).

Read more about the Summer Season Learn about the new ECHO Course

Celebrating New Programs

In addition to welcoming back a full cohort of students to our Advanced Research Training Courses, the launched a number of new programs this year, including the Building Innovation through Diversity (BID) program, the Mini-Embryology Course, and a collaboration with the UChicago Graham School.

Learn More about the BID Program Learn more about the Mini-Embryology Course

Online Updates

screenshot of the  homepage with text that reads "What helps researchers solve biology's fundamental mysteries?"

The New .edu

This year, we celebrated the launch of a redesigned .edu. The mobile-friendly site was designed to create a visually immersive experience and allow audiences to learn more about 's research and training programs.

Visit the Homepage

Comb Jelly is a Social Media Star

Based on the March Madness NCAA basketball tournament, organisms went head-to-head in a series of match-ups for the second-annual March Madness. By a margin of just 140 votes, the comb jelly (M. leidyi) won this year’s crown. Don’t forget to check back in the spring for the 2022 bracket and vote for your favorites on our social media channels.

Catch up on March Madness