Falmouth Forum Season Begins With A Cappella Concert, September 18

ճ starts its new season with an a cappella choral concert by nine soloists and choral scholars of the , Friday, September 18 at 7:30 PM in the ’s Lillie Auditorium, 7 Street, Woods Hole. The concert titled, “Sacred Powers of Water,” features music reflecting ways in which the oceans and rivers inspire human imagination. Presented by the Associates, and sponsored in part by the Falmouth Forum Endowment, all Falmouth Forum events are free and open to the public.

The “Sacred Powers of Water” program will include renowned Polish composer Henryk Górecki’s Szeroka Woda (Broad Waters), Katherine Pukinskis’ Water on a Thirsty Land (premiered in February 2015 at Rockefeller Chapel), and music of Palestrina and of British composers Byrd, Holst, Stanford, and Parry. A leading young talent, composer Katherine Pukinskis will also be one of the nine singers performing.

The program will be directed by James Kallembach, director of choral activities and senior lecturer in the Department of Music at the University of Chicago, with remarks by Christopher Neill, director of the ’s Ecosystems Center. This performance is sponsored by a grant from the University of Chicago Arts Council.

An optional buffet dinner will precede the lecture at 6:00 PM at the ’s Swope Center, 5 North Street, Woods Hole. Tickets are $30 (meal includes salad, pasta or potatoes, two entrees, wine, dessert, tax and gratuity) and must be purchased in advance at Eight Cousins Bookstore, Main Street, Falmouth or at the Communications Office, 127 Water Street, Woods Hole. Dinner tickets are available until they sell out or until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 15. For more information, contact the Communications Office at (508) 289-7423 or comm@mbl.edu.

The full 2015-2016 Falmouth Forum series schedule is below. Visit  for details and updated information.

October 1, 2015 (note Thursday lecture)
A Wild Approach to Climate Change
(co-sponsored with The 300 Committee)
Thomas Lovejoy, conservation biologist; senior fellow, United Nations Foundation

November 6, 2015    
Symphony Confidential: A Revolutionary Approach to Classical Music
Jung-Ho Pak, Cape Symphony artistic director and conductor

December 4, 2015
Brave Genius: Jacques Monod’s Adventure from the French Resistance to the Nobel Prize
Sean B. Carroll, award-winning scientist, writer and educator

March 4, 2016
How to Build a Heart: Lessons from Man and Nature
Duke Cameron, professor and chief of cardiac surgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital

April 1, 2016
This Verse Business: One-man Show about Poet Robert Frost
Written by Andy Dolan.

Gordon Clapp, Emmy-winning actor

Date TBD  
Life Lessons from Living in Space
Sunita Williams, Captain, US Navy


() is dedicated to scientific discovery and improving the human condition through research and education in biology, biomedicine, and environmental science. Founded in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in 1888, the is a private, nonprofit institution and an affiliate of the University of Chicago.

The Associates are a group of individuals and businesses that support the scientific mission of the through their gifts to the Annual Fund. The Associates sponsor educational and research programs for the and raise funds for special projects. In addition, they operate the Gift Shop, located on Water Street in Woods Hole, the profits from which support scientific fellowships.