How CRISPR is Transforming Embryology Research and Training | Synthego Blog

DNA Strand. Credit LionFive/Pixabay

The soaring popularity of  has enabled researchers to expand biological research beyond mice and study different animal models. In fact, the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, hosts a 6-week course in developmental biology every summer where students are now applying CRISPR to understand the biology of animals.

(L to R) Kevin Holden, Leslie Babonis, and Erin Jarvis at . Photo credit: Aaron Pomerantz
(L to R) Kevin Holden, Leslie Babonis, and Erin Jarvis at . Photo credit: Aaron Pomerantz

We chat with , Research Scientist & Lab Manager at and , postdoctoral researcher at the Whitney Laboratory, University of Florida, about their work, summer course, and how Synthego-sponsored guides are helping researchers make new discoveries in the course. 
