A Future of Submerged Salt Marshes - Editorial | Falmouth Enterprise

Great Sippewissett Marsh on Buzzards Bay in Falmouth. Credit: Daniel Buckley

In the rush of more immediate concerns, we didn’t give proper attention to a story in last week’s Enterprise that begins, “More than 90 percent of the world’s salt marshes will be underwater by 2100, according to a 50-year study of Great Sippewissett Marsh in Falmouth by scientists at and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.”

This is strong evidence that sea level rise caused by human-induced climate change will drastically reshape coastal areas—including Cape Cod—within this century.

The year 2100 might seem a long way away, but the research shows the effects are already present. And salt marshes are hardly the only ecosystems at real risk of being submerged.