Announcing the 2023 Barbey Striped Bass Fellows

Credit: Steve Zottoli

The Edwin Barbey Charitable Trust Fellowship provides support for resident or visiting investigators to conduct research at the on biological and ecological questions that relate to striped bass. The fellows work closely with the program at the .

This year's Barbey Fellows are:

Lisa Abbo, Marine Biological Laboratory
Patterns of Behavior of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in Eel Pond After Implantation of Acoustic Transmitters Either Under AQUI-S 20E General Anesthesia or Local Anesthesia Alone

Allen Mensinger, University of Minnesota Duluth & Rosalyn Putland, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) Lowestoft
Exploring the Effect of Vessel Sound on Striped Bass Behavior and Physiology

Brian Prendergast, University of Chicago
Seasonal and Circadian Rhythms of Striped Bass Behavior in a Natural Environment