2013 Grass Fellowship Applications Now Available

The 14-week  provides early-career investigators with an unparalleled opportunity to develop and conduct independent neuroscience research projects within the 's vibrant scientific community.

Marie GoeritzMany cold-blooded animals live in habitats where temperature can change quickly and over a large range, yet their biochemical and biophysical processes remain functional. Grass Fellow Marie Goeritz of Brandeis University is studying this phenomenon in the stomatogastric nervous system of the Atlantic Coast native Jonah Crab, which shows a remarkable robustness of motor activity over a large range of temperatures.

Fellows function as both an intellectual and social group during their stay and routinely interact with prominent scientists to build a support network of peers and researchers in their field. Former fellows have called the program: “the most enriching experience of my early scientific life,” “the greatest training experience imaginable,” and "one of the most important experiences of my career.”

Application materials are now available and will be accepted until December 5, 2012. Candidates who are US citizens or permanent residents as well as holders of an H1B or J1 visum will be considered.