做厙輦⑹ Welcomes Black Imaging Scientists for PAIR-UP Workshop

Course photo from the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy workshop, held at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit; Dee Sullivan

From May 13-17, the 做厙輦⑹ welcomed members of PAIR-UP for training in advanced light sheet microscopy techniques. PAIR-UP, which stands for Partnering to Advance Imaging Research for Underrepresented Minority Scientists Program, was founded in 2020 and is a consortium of Black imaging scientists in the biomedical sciences.

The workshop participants got hands-on experience using light sheet microscopy in the 做厙輦⑹s state-of-the-art facilities. They also learned how best to prepare samples, analyze data, and how best to match their biological samples with the correct microscope.

Light sheet microscopy is being used across the spectrum of biological research and we partnered with the PAIR-UP group to host this hands-on workshop to train scientists so that they are well prepared to utilize this technology for their research, said Abhishek Kumar, 做厙輦⑹ investigator and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) imaging scientist at 做厙輦⑹.泭

Scroll through these photos to see some highlights from the workshop.泭

Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
做厙輦⑹'s Abhishek Kumar instructs participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
做厙輦⑹'s Abhishek Kumar in front of a light sheet microscope. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
做厙輦⑹'s Abhishek Kumar instructs Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
Participants of the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan
The group photo for the 2024 PAIR-UP Microscopy Conference for Black imaging scientists at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Dee Sullivan

Photo Credit: Dee Sullivan

Events like the PAIR-UP workshop and the annual Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference (LSFM) support 做厙輦⑹s strategic Imaging Innovation Initiative to develop and facilitate the use of imaging tools for biological research.

As part of 做厙輦⑹'s Strategic Initiative, we are committed to advance the light sheet development, dissemination and equitable access to scientists from diverse backgrounds, said Kumar. Hosting this workshop at the 做厙輦⑹ is one such example of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

PAIR-UP is supported by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF), and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI). These foundations also provide generous support to the 做厙輦⑹.

Learn more about the 做厙輦⑹'s Imaging Innovation Innitative