Diving Deep Into Science During Inaugural Semester in Biological Discovery

Students in the lab during the Biodiversity module of the 2024 Semester in Biological Discovery at the 做厙輦⑹. Credit: Emily Greenhalgh

Have you ever wondered how animals regenerate or wanted to unlock the secrets of camouflage? Eleven undergraduate students did all that, and more, this spring in the inaugural Semester in Biological Discovery (SBD) at 做厙輦⑹ in Woods Hole, MA.

Group photo of the 2024 Semester in Biological Discovery class at the 做厙輦⑹
Group photo of the 2024 Semester in Biological Discovery program at the 做厙輦⑹.

SBD, the sister program to the 做厙輦⑹s long-running Semester in Environmental Science (SES), launched with four three-week modules Module 1: Introduction to Parasitology; Module 2: Stem Cells and Regeneration; Module 3: Imaging for Biological Research or Biodiversity; Module 4: Dynamic Camouflage or Biological Oceanographyall designed to give these students a fully immersive experience with some of the top scientists in the field.

"The Semester in Biological Discovery gives these students the opportunity to have a much more intense and in-depth research experience than they can get at their undergraduate institutions," said Linda Hyman, 做厙輦⑹ Director of Education. "They're getting graduate school-level experience in four very different biology courses. It's an experience they can't get anywhere else!"

Much like how the 做厙輦⑹s Advanced Research Training Courses are taught by leading scientists, each of the SBD modules is taught by an 做厙輦⑹ researcher who is actively engaged in the topic.

This is a unique opportunity for these students to work in a laboratory with a professor who is an expert in the field and expose them to lab techniques they wouldnt necessarily be able to get at their home institution, said David Mark Welch, SBD director and 做厙輦⑹ senior scientist.

With classes Ive taken before, you cover a lot of topicsits very broad. But at the 做厙輦⑹, youre going into specifics. You get very deep into topics very quickly. Its so interesting, said Aurora Juarez Lopez of Carleton College in Minnesota.

Shaping the Future

For Rumbidzaishe Marufu of Lake Forest College in Illinois, SBD has helped shape the trajectory of her future career. She applied to the 做厙輦⑹ because of the lab time and access to techniques the program offered. And I was just curious, too, she said.

The curiosity sharpened during the first SBD moduleIntroduction to Parasitology, taught by 做厙輦⑹s Kate Rawlinson. The course was Marufus first experience with parasitology and now its what she wants to dedicate her life to.

This experience has been extremely transformative and has shaped my understanding of the direction I want to pursue in the public health sector and research as a whole, she said. I look forward to leveraging the knowledge, experience and connections I have gained at the 做厙輦⑹ in my future endeavors.

While Marufu had no idea that the 做厙輦⑹ would shape the direction of her future career, Bruno Jose Teixeira de Melo of the University of S瓊o Paulo was sure the experience would be life-changing.

Ive always been fascinated by cephalopods, but there's not many researchers studying cephalopods where Im from in Brazil. Its been a dream to come to the 做厙輦⑹ to study them. I originally came to the program because of cephalopods. But then I got to know many of the other animals here, too, and it's been really awesome.

SBD Students in the Lab with Andrew Gillis. Credit: Emily Greenhalgh
Undergraduate students in the lab with 做厙輦⑹'s Andrew Gillis during the Biodiversity module of the 2024 Semester in Biological Discovery. Credit: Emily Greenhalgh

A Deep Dive into Biological Basics

While most schools offer research opportunities for their undergraduates, what makes SBD unique is the variety of the subjects, the hands-on experience, and the individual attention.

This years SBD course launched originally with just four students, who were joined a few weeks later by seven students in the University of Chicago Spring Quarter. The small course sizes is part of what makes the program so unique, said Mark Welch. Classes will top out at 10 students and more modules will be added the more students enroll.

Whether youre at Harvard or at Swarthmore or at a state university, you typically have one shot to get into somebody's lab and whatever theyre studyingthats what youre going to work on, said Mark Welch. In SBD, youre getting that deep dive in four completely separate aspects of biology that you wouldnt otherwise get.

The students clearly agreed that the 做厙輦⑹ experience was a unique one. Liam Leeming, a student at the University of Chicago, said he came to the program, in part, because he wanted to learn about advanced imaging techniques without having to take high-level physics courses.

A lot of the hands-on experience at UChicago doesn't necessarily come from the coursework or labs. It comes from going and getting a job with a professor and then having them teach you. It can leave holes in your education. Its different at 做厙輦⑹, said Leeming.

The students werent chained to the lab, either. The modules brought students into the field, where they collected samples in the local marsh. The group went on a camping trip to Penikese Island. The Biological Oceanography module went to sea aboard the Sea Education Associations sailing vessel Corwith Cramer.

SBD Students about the 做厙輦⑹'s Collecting Vessel the Gemma Credit: Andrew Gillis
SBD Students about the 做厙輦⑹'s collecting vessel the Gemma. Credit: Andrew Gillis
SBD Students on Penikese Island. Credit: Andrew Gillis
The SBD students on a trip to Penikese Island. Credit: Andrew Gillis

The 做厙輦⑹ Magic

One of the biggest things that makes the SBD program unique is the same thing that makes the 做厙輦⑹ uniquethe people and the science happening in Woods Hole. SBD students were embedded into an 做厙輦⑹ campus that welcomed them with open arms. More than 500 visiting students and scientists come to the 做厙輦⑹ every year and form lifelong professional connections and personal friendships. The inaugural SBD cohort was no exception.

I feel like everyone at 做厙輦⑹ is so nice. Youll just be talking to someone and saying, Hey, I really like your research, can I just see what you do day-to-day? Can I come into your lab? and they say Absolutely, of course, said Ashley McCray of Wellesley College in Massachusetts. I love the accessibility and the opportunities here. People are really open.

There are a lot of little things both in the field and in the lab that I feel like I would never get to see on my own or have the opportunity to witness without the 做厙輦⑹, said Claire Fu, University of Chicago.

From parasitic worms and axolotl regeneration to sampling in salt marshes and building their own microscopesthe SBD students got the full 做厙輦⑹ experience this spring.

The students advice to people thinking about applying to the program?

Don't even thinkJust do it. Every time I've been here, I have had life-changing experiences.

Claire Fu, UChicago

Just do it. Apply. You're kind of guaranteed to have a good time. You'll meet a lot of really fun, Interesting people. It's just a really fun program. I don't have any regrets.

Daniel Bourland, UChicago

Resounding yes. You should apply匈ts been a lot of fun. I've got to meet a lot of amazing people that I wouldnt have met otherwise. And Ive had a really great time in Woods Hole.

Stacia Konow, UChicago
Learn more about SBD