Walter Massey, A Physicist with A Higher Calling | The New York Times

Walter E. Massey. Credit: The University of Chicago

of the University of Chicago is a member of the 做厙輦⑹ Board of Trustees.

The day before Walter Massey turned 30, in 1968, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was fatally shot on a hotel balcony in Memphis. Dr. Massey, then a physicist at Argonne National Laboratory, watched the funeral on television, in tears, from his apartment in Chicago. Outside, the west side of the city was burning.

At the time, Dr. Massey was a rising star in the study of theoretical condensed matter, how liquids and solids behave. He wrangled equations to make sense of helium at low temperatures, adding to a bank of knowledge that has led to a better understanding of neutron stars, and the development of quantum technologies. In his most noteworthy calculation, he corrected a longstanding theory of superfluid helium established by , winner of a Nobel Prize in Physics.

But Dr. Massey was also a Black man born and raised in the Jim Crow South. And he often felt torn between his love of physics and a pull to contribute to the struggle for racial equity in America.

I was doing well, he said. Id go out to Argonne, Id do my physics. I loved it. But after Dr. Kings assassination, he added, I began to think more about, you know, what was I doing? What was I contributing?

That pondering would shape his career.