UChicago, Study Illuminates How Fins Evolved into Fingers and Toes

How swimming fish evolved into land-traveling, four-limbed vertebrates is a longstanding mystery.

Twelve years ago,of the University of Chicago unearthed a 370-million-year-oldthat was hailed as a “missing link” from sea to land animals.

But how, exactly, can a fin turn into a limb?

This week in,Shubin and colleagues report on work initiated at () that provides major insight into the game-changing fin-to-limb transition. Led by Tetsuya Nakamura, the team showed that a set of genes, calledHox,plays a surprisingly similar role in patterning the rays of fins and the digits of tetrapod limbs.calls it the discovery of “a deep evolutionary connection” between fins and hands and feet.

Markers of the wrists and digits in the limb of a mouse (left) are present in fish and demarcate the fin rays (right). The wrist and digits of tetrapods are the cellular and genetic equivalents of the fin rays of fish. Credit: Andrew Gehrke and Marie Kmita
Markers of the wrists and digits in the limb of a mouse (left) are present in fish and demarcate the fin rays (right). The wrist and digits of tetrapods are the cellular and genetic equivalents of the fin rays of fish. Credit: Andrew Gehrke and Marie Kmita

This work was launched in the ’sWhitman Centerin 2014, when Nakamura began studying the role ofHoxgenes in embryonic skates and sharks. With subsequent training in gene editing (CRISPr–Cas9) at theNational Xenopus Resourceat , Nakamura created zebrafish mutants to further studyHox.

“This extraordinary study highlights the scientific convening power of the and provides an elegant example of the unique opportunities the laboratory continues to provide to young scientists to take risks and drive forward major questions in biology,” says Director of Research Jonathan Gitlin.