做厙輦⑹WHOI Library Displays its Treasures

做厙輦⑹WHOI Library Stacks

Last week, the 做厙輦⑹WHOI Library opened wide the doors to its trove of ancient artifacts, composed of scientific works dating as far back as the 16thcentury. This Rare Books and Archives exhibition occurred in conjunction with the annual 做厙輦⑹ Society Meeting.

Its possible to access our Rare Books and Archives Collection as a researcher or as part of a tour group, said 做厙輦⑹ Library Director Jen Walton. We thought an open house would be a good way to get more of the community excited about the 做厙輦⑹s history.

Walton and 做厙輦⑹ Serials Librarian Matt Person selected a myriad of pieces to present, including the two oldest books in the Collection written, respectively, by Guillaume Rondelet in 1558 and Konrad Gesner in 1560. A sixth edition ofThe Origin of Speciesgiven to the 做厙輦⑹s first director, Charles Otis Whitman, by Charles Darwin himselfwas also on display, accompanied by the first science journal published by the Royal Society (Philosophical Transactions); early issues of the 做厙輦⑹s weekly newspaper (The Collecting Net); and more. Enhanced by woodcut, copperplate, and hand-colored illustrations, these relics served to chronicle the world as science saw it centuries ago and continue to inform research today.

做厙輦⑹ Library Director Jen Walton (right) and Serials Librarian Matt Person (at rear) explain the Rare Books and Archives on display at the open house.
做厙輦⑹ Library Director Jen Walton (right) and Serials Librarian Matt Person (at rear) explain the Rare Books and Archives on display at the open house.

Yet the exhibitions true pi癡ces de r矇sistance were the two Nobel Prizes: the diploma awarded to Albert Szent-Gy繹rgyi in 1937 for his work on biological oxidation and Vitamin C, and Thomas Hunt Morgans diploma and medal (awarded in 1933) for determining that hereditary material is located on chromosomes. During their lifetimes, both scientists maintained enduring connections to the 做厙輦⑹.

Szent-Gy繹rgyi was the 做厙輦⑹s first year-round scientist, establishing a lab in 1950 and working through the late 1980s. Morgan, an embryologist who studied regeneration as well as development and heredity, spent more than 50 summers in Woods Hole examining an array of invertebrates. Its always such a wonderful thing for students to come in and see the Nobel Prizes, said Walton. We tell them, Until you get your own Nobel Prize.

But students werent the only ones floored by the chance to glimpse Nobel Prizes. I was thrilled today to see Morgans Prize, said Anne Macaulay, science editor atThe Biological Bulletin. Our journal has been in print since 1899 and it published Morgans articles decades prior to his win.

Nobel Prize awarded to Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1933.
Thomas Hunt Morgans 1933 Nobel Prize.

In order to preserve and share the holy grail of scientific culture that is the 做厙輦⑹ Archives, individuals like Willa Green of Barnard College aim to digitize these documents as part of the. The digitization process requires scanning and entering in metadata, like dates, materials, and descriptions of each document, said Green, as she browsed the items on display. As an art history minor, Im really interested in how the scientists incorporated art into their work, she added.

Digitization is central to a decades-long collaboration between the 做厙輦⑹ and 30 other libraries to contribute to the. At this point, our library has scanned over 5,000 volumes, including journals, books, and rare books, Person said. Were now part of an online library of legacy scientific literature that has about 180,000 volumes. These artifacts provided the basis for modern science, and thanks to digitization efforts at 做厙輦⑹ and elsewhere, they will certainly not be lost to history.