Alumni are Named Fellows of American Association for Advancement of Science

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AAAS Rosette pin
The 2018 Fellows will be recognized at the 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., where they will be presented a rosette pin with its gold and blue colors to signify science and engineering, respectively. Credit: AAAS

Congratulations to several members of the 's alumni community who have been elected Fellows of the, a lifetime honor in recognition of their extraordinary achievements in advancing science. New Fellows of the AAAS Sections on Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Neurosciences include:

Section on Biological Sciences

Holly M. Brown-Borg,University of North Dakota
Alumna, Biology of Aging, 1999
Faculty, Biology of Aging, 2012

Ѳٲ,National Institute for Child Health and Human Development/NIH
Alumna, Physiology, 1986

Douglas Wayne DeSimone,University of Virginia
Alumnus, Physiology, 1981
Faculty, Embryology, 1989

Kathleen B. Hall,Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Alumna, Invertebrate Zoology, 1973

-ձԳԲԴDz,Indiana University
Alumnus, Microbial Diversity, 2004

ݾǰDzԲ,University of Georgia
Faculty, Molecular Mycology, 2013-2014
Director, Molecular Mycology, 2015-2018

ܱܲܰš,Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Alumnus, Physiology, 2004

David Robert Maddison,Oregon State University
Faculty, Molecular Evolution, 1996-1999

Corrie Moreau,Field Museum of Natural History/Cornell University
Alumna, Molecular Evolution, 2005

Karl JosephNiklas,Cornell University
Alumnus, Experimental Marine Botany, 1970

Jean M. Sanger,SUNY Upstate Medical University
Society member
Alumna, Light Microscopy, 1982
Whitman Scientist, 1985, 87, 88, 89, 91

CharlesWalcott,Cornell University
Alumnus, Embryology, 1957

Floyd L. Wormley, Jr.,University of Texas at San Antonio
Alumnus, Molecular Mycology, 1999

Gregory Allan Wray,Duke University
Faculty, Embryology, 1999-2001

Section on Medical Sciences

Richard Axel,Columbia University
Faculty, Embryology, 1985

Steven D. Leach,Dartmouth College/Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Alumnus, Zebrafish Development and Genetics, 2002

Lawrence I. Rothblum,University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Alumnus, Physiology, 1973

David Sibley,Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Alumnus, Biology of Parasitism, 1983
Faculty, Biology of Parasitism, 1997-2000, 2013

Lilianna Solnica-Krezel,Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Faculty, Zebrafish Development and Genetics, 2012-2018

William J. Steinbach,Duke University Medical Center
Alumnus, Molecular Mycology, 2002
Faculty, Molecular Mycology, 2006

Section on Neuroscience

Jonathan Brewer Cohen,Harvard Medical School
Faculty, Neurobiology, 1977-1979

Ruth Anne Eatock,University of Chicago
Faculty, Biology of the Inner Ear, 2011, 13, 15, 17

David C. Gadsby,The Rockefeller University
Society member
Former Trustee
Former Principal Investigator
Faculty, Neurobiology, 2005
Whitman Scientist, 1983~2018

Katheleen Gardiner,University of Colorado School of Medicine
Alumna, Neurobiology of Brain Disfunction, 2011

David D. Ginty,Harvard University/Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Faculty, Neurobiology, 1999

Donata Oertel (Sugden),University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health
Society member
Faculty, Neural Systems & Behavior, 2007
Faculty, Biology of the Inner Ear, 2013, 2015