Falmouth's Great Pond Area Next Up For Sewering | Falmouth Enterprise

The nitrogen levels in Great Pond are being monitored by the US Geological Survey, and the UMass Dartmouth School of Marine Science and Technology.

Construction of a sewer system to serve the areas of Teaticket and Acapesket is projected for 2026.

“The town has put up money for design and planning is currently underway, and this is the timetable,” Water Quality Management Committee chairman Eric T. Turkington told the select board on Monday, December 21. “These two pieces both affect Great Pond, which except for Waquoit Bay, is the water body most in need of nitrogen reduction.”

While sewering will go a long way toward reducing nitrogen in Great Pond, it will not eliminate it.

“I will caution us, because 60 percent of the water that comes into this water body comes from the Coonamessett River system, sewering these two areas will get rid of a lot of the problem. It will not get rid of all of the problem,” Mr. Turkington said. “There is a lot of water coming in that isn’t coming from the neighborhood. It is coming from north of [Route] 28.” 
