Embryology 2018: A Good Experience and a Good Story | The Node

Eel pond at sunset. Credit Anneke Kakebeen

Applications for several of the  Advanced Research Training courses, including the Embryology Course, are due February 1, 2019.

I evaluate experiences by this basic philosophy: Some things are a good experience, some are a good story. When I’m lucky, sometimes they are both.

My summer at #Embryo2018 had all three scenarios.

The story:

I applied to Embryology in January 2018 because I was eager to fall deeper in love with developmental biology. Unfortunately, I was waitlisted in March and bummed to not join the 2018 cohort. Fast-forward to the week before the course started in June, I received an email of an open spot. I accepted, booked flights, got over a hump of imposter syndrome, and in a whirlwind of a week ended up in Woods Hole, MA for a six-week experience that I will never forget. 
